#Qui-Gon Jinn x reader
Caught {Qui-Gon Jinn x Reader}
Summary: You and Qui-Gon share an intimate morning that gets interrupted by Anakin who harbors a secret crush for you.
Warnings: 18+, mdni, F! reader, breastsucking, nipple play, being caught in the act, age gap (Qui-Gon is in his 40s, reader in their 20s, Anakin in his 20s), angst, nsfw
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You were the first to wake. Eyes called open from the warmth of the sun cascading through the large window pane of Qui-Gon's bedroom. You stir from where you laid on your back to now face the handsome Jedi as he sleeps, free from stress and disturbances.
What better way to wake up than with kisses? You thought. Ever so lightly, you press soft pecks over his cheeks, chin, jaw, forehead and lastly on his lips. The final peck seems to pull him from the depths of his dreams and flutter his eyes open to see the goddess he has managed to call his own.
He couldn't help but stare at you. The sun projecting a hallow of light around your head. Skin so soft and warm from slumber, naked from the previous night's activities. He lazily kissed you back, mixing in words of affirmation and silly pet names.
As your movements became more passionate, you decide to sit up and lean your body over Qui-Gon to continue kissing and grant him access to fondle your plush breasts. The blanket that was once covering you slipped down to pool at the base of your hips.
Qui-Gon used his large hands to run down the length of your back to feel as much of you as possible. His kisses to your mouth turned to kisses and sucking at your nipples, causing your back to arch, pushing your ample breasts further into his face.
So enraptured by the feeling, your senses were delayed as you turned seconds after you heard the large wooden door creak open to see Anakin there with a dumbfounded look on his face.
His eyes were as wide as could be and the heaving of his chest was notable to you across the room. He couldn't look away from the ethereal figure before him.
He had always thought of you as beautiful but this was a revelation to him. You looked like the marble statues he saw in museums. You had the supple breasts of a breastfeeding mother, the tousled hair of a woman freshly fucked and the glow of an angel.
You however were mortified and screamed as if you were running around with you head cut off. Instantly dropping down into Qui-Gon's embrace you shake from self-consciousness and he grips you tight to his chest.
Now aware of the pain you are feeling and anger he has towards the young Jedi, Qui-Gon falls back on his protective nature and is darkened with rage.
"Anakin you must leave at once!" Qui-Gon all but barked at Anakin, which was enough to shake him from his thoughts of desire and envy to leave the room running.
All Anakin is thinking about is you. I want to be under her as she kisses me awake. I want to softly caress her skin, only I touch. I want to claim her as mine.
Turning his attention back to you, Qui-Gon hears your sniffles and hiccupped breathing. You were trembling with embarrassment.
Qui-Gon coos you up from the cave you dug between his chest and arm to reveal your red eyes and puffy lips. Qui-Gon held you close. His arms felt like a sanctuary of warmth and reassurance while he gently stroked your back in soothing circles, whispering words of love and understanding.
Later on he will give Anakin a stern talking to and remind him of the importance of privacy but for now, the two of you will lay in bed sharing a level of intimacy designed for only two souls.
Qui-Gon's thoughts are loud, but he picks up on louder ones coming from Anakin who is stoked with desire and craving a moment alone with you.
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make-me-maverick · 2 years
You know when your WIPs hit you with that "I lived bitch" energy?
Anyway I said I was gonna write but this said "Fuck that" and took the reigns so here we are
For my fellow Qui-Gon stans, some spice
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if you'd like to be tagged in any future thirst art posts (that is, if i have the balls to finish them), hit me up
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quigonswife8 · 2 years
Comfort: Qui-gon jinn x reader
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You’ve been feeling down and Qui comforts you
Thought i'd just delete this from my other account and post it here :) When I wrote this it was for me cause of my depression, but if you find comfort in this too then that's great :)
Warnings: talks of depression, sadness, but Qui being a sweetheart and comforting.
gif creds: @smokahuntis
Also if you ever need to talk, I’m here💕
Night falls upon the busy Coruscant. People hurry through the busy streets getting home, or going to the many bars that fill the city.
The Jedi are either busy with jedi business, or residing to their quarters; your husband is busy on a mission- he’s been gone for a few days and will be back that night.
You, on the other hand, lean against the window with your knees pulled up to your chest. Your head rests against the window, and you look out on the city- at the lights- and a sigh falls from your lips. You don’t pull your eyes away though, you just continue to stare out trying to pull yourself from the thoughts that fill your head with dread.
Depression. It’s not a term that most people are familiar with, but you’re not ‘most people’. You found out that you had depression when you were ten. yep, that young. after losing a close friend you fell into depression. It’s gotten better, if you can say that, over the years, but there are times much like now that it hits hard;
With your husband being gone for days you’ve missed him [more than you usually do when he goes away] you have worried he’d be badly hurt and because of the thoughts you have worried he won’t return. You’ve kept contact with him and you know he’s okay but because of your thoughts...
You have become withdrawn from everyone- from everything- You have resided in the room for most of these days and despite the questions as to why you won’t really leave you’ll just say you haven’t been feeling well which isn't a lie. You just haven’t been feeling well mentally.
You let out another sigh. Qui will be home soon, i’ll finally be able to see him. You know he’ll want to sleep pretty much straightaway since he’s been gone days and will be exhausted- and will be wanting to sleep in his own bed. You should probably make him something to eat and get ready to welcome him back with open arms...but you don’t want to move. That’s selfish you know but you have barely any energy or motivation and you’d rather stay there.
what if he gets annoyed?  Qui-Gon is the calmest person you know but what if he does get annoyed? Find you...pathetic. that you weren’t even welcoming him back after he’s been gone for days, and that you don’t...love him. None of this would happen but again it’s your thoughts- they betray you- and so you can’t help but fall into this mind-state.
Pushing a hand through your hair you let out another sigh but this time it’s uneven. shaky. not wanting to cry you focus your attention on something outside, which often helps when you feel you’re gonna cry, or simply break down.
The door creaks open. Qui-Gon enters the room and once the door is shut, he immedietly focuses on looking for you.
“My love...”
He sounds tired exhausted, more like it.
“...i’m back...”
Qui-Gon stops mid-sentence. He notices you leaning against the window but he can just sense that you’re not okay. He notices that you hadn’t noticed him enter the room or even say hello which means you’re focused on something but not because you want to be.
His heart sinks because he just knows what this is. He has experienced you going through it before- he helped you through it- but to see you going through it again hurts him. Not your fault. it hurts that there’s no way to prevent this thing known as depression, something you’ve struggled with since you were ten years old.
Qui-Gon slips off his shoes and then he makes his way towards you, soon kneeling behind you;
“My love..”
Qui puts a hand on your back softly. His voice is so soft but so full of love- he’s exhausted and needs to sleep but you’re more important to him. You turn around having heard him now, your eyes meeting his blue ones and he can see how much the depression is having a toll on you.
Your eyes have dark circles under them, and you look like you haven’t slept in days [which isn’t fully a lie]. Your happiness is barely there and instead you look...defeated.
He wants to ask you if you’re okay but he knows that asking might make things worse. So instead he wraps his arms around you catching you off guard, and then he picks you up. He doesn’t say anything but he carries you over to the bed and out of habit you hold onto him, settling into his hold.
Qui places you on your side of the bed, and then he climbs in next to you. No words are said but you can tell that he knows what you’re going through. you can see a look of worry and a look of pain in his eyes, but mostly a look of love. He loves you so much and he would do anything for you, so much so that if your relationship was revealed and Qui was given the choice between you and the council, he would choose you in a heart beat.
Qui-Gon motions for you snuggle up close to him, so you do. You rest your head against his chest, and he wraps an arm around you in a sort of comforting/protective way. Qui-Gon uses the force to bring the blankets up over the two of you [this is something I would do], and then he rests his head on top of yours.
You don’t even need to say thank you, because he knows. he can just tell. you don’t say anything, and neither does Qui-Gon. The two of you just lay there in one-another’s embrace;
You happy to finally be back in your lover’s arms even if everything was such an effort leading up to that point, your little bit of happiness being Qui-Gon.
Qui-gon wanting to take away how you feel. wanting to take away what you’re going through. wanting to shield you from everything because you don’t deserve any of it.
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wild-karrde · 1 year
Hello! Sending a shameless self-rec: “This is Going Swimmingly” in which Qui-Gon Jinn helps the reader shop for swimsuits.
Thank you!
HELL YES TO SELF RECS! I am very much a supporter of writing the stuff that we sometimes need to hear about ourselves in such a way that our favorite characters are the ones delivering the words (I may have worded that terribly, but hopefully it makes sense). And having Qui-Gon be the dude to do it? FULLY SUPPORT. LOVE THAT. YES. Thank you so much for sending this in!
Participate in Fandom Friday to show your favorite creators from this week some love! :)
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bloodless-vein · 6 months
going back into my qui-gon jinn x reader au series bc I just finished clone wars and I'm in my star wars feels. stay tuned!
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The One Where Ethan Rayne Returns
Part 2
AN: This four-part fic will contain spoilers for Seasons 1-6 of Buffy as well as canon typical behaviours, fighting, and references to violence.
“You know I forgot just how much I hate that guy,” Xander remarked after Ethan had left.
“He delights in messing with your mind and sowing chaos wherever he goes,”  Rupert replied, walking back over to the counter.  You had a feeling that he was going to create a protection spell around the Magic Box just in case.
“Do you think he was lying then?  About wanting to warn us?  What if he were really here to meet Willow because of what she did?”  Dawn inquired rapidly.
“With Ethan you can never be too sure what he’s planning.  He’s as sneaky as a fox.” 
“What if we could?”  Willow mused eagerly after Giles had finished talking, “What if we tracked him down and cast a truth spell on him?”
“No Willow!  That would be too dangerous.”  Your voice trembled as you considered the many things that could go wrong with that plan.
“I-I-I’d be careful though.  I can be sneaky.”  The young witch protested.
You rubbed your hand over your forehead, “Willow, Ethan has years of many more years of experience wielding magic than you do.  Not to mention that the magic he uses borders on dark almost chaotic magic and he frequently associates with demons who are unpredictable at best.  His knowledge of magic and his association with demons would give him a considerable advantage over you.  He’d probably be able to sense you coming.”
“That’s true,” Spike agreed.
“Though some demons have been known to help humans they care about.”  Xander added, throwing you a pointed look.
Getting the hint you nodded, “Xander’s right.  Anya, you’re doing a fantastic job managing the Magic Box and I’m happy to call you my friend.”
“I manage the Magic Box because I enjoy money.”  Anya stated.  “But I do enjoy living here with friends and having sex with Xander.  I just wish you didn’t have so many bunnies.  They’re evil.”
“But what about Ethan’s warning?”  Shouldn’t we look into that?  I mean he had to have known the reception he’d receive if he came back here and yet he did it anyway.  What if it’s really important?”  Willow argued.
“He only revealed that he came to warn Rupert after Rupert had shoved and punched him.”  Qui-Gon reminded her.
Rupert bristled at the concealed distaste in Qui-Gon’s voice, “When it comes to Ethan, it’s better to hit first and ask questions later,” he said stiffly.
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themayforce · 2 years
Yesterday's Mist
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Summary: Three years ago, you fell in love with Qui-Gon Jinn. Now, as a newly appointed senator in the capital, you are ill prepared for seeing him again.
Description: Yes I'm trying to write again! It's a whole different type of fic than Pretty in Pink lmao but I hope I can get some good fluff going. It'll be a lot of pining 🙈
Rating: M for now, might turn Explicit later
Pairings: Qui-Gon Jinn/f!Reader
Words: 2917
Chapter 1: The Deep End
It had been exactly two hours and fifteen minutes since your arrival on Coruscant, and you were already convinced the capital was going to exhaust you. You were excited for the job, definitely. Working in the capital was a privilege, sure. The people were cordial and helpful, without a doubt. But nothing could have prepared you for just how bright the nights here were, with lights everywhere that never seemed to die.
"Essie," you groaned as you buried your face in the couch cushions, "could you figure out how to close those blinds, please?" Your protocol droid, S-3PO, shuffled over to the windows and pressed a button. With only the subdued ceiling lights left to gently illuminate the room, it felt a lot more like the kind of evening you were used to back on Nandeel - the warm sea breeze at dusk, the huge reflection of the planet Om in the water touching its counterpart above the horizon, the food vendors tempting visitors and locals alike with their delicacies, the sand-birds returning to their burrows for the night. 
And that one time a Jedi Knight had sat beside you on the beach, his shoulder touching yours, as he talked to you of places so distant they didn't sound real, customs so foreign he had you laughing at the strangeness of it all. You had truly felt the presence of the Force that night, in the air around you and between you, and in the sand that grounded you.
He hadn’t stayed on Nandeel for very long. You had offered to show him the beaches and the old harbor, insisting that he had something to remember your home by - other than politics and negotiations and the inside of a government building. He had liked the food, and loved the tea, a satchel of which you had given him to take back to the capital with him. An old man selling fried bread had thought you were married. “ Not quite,” he had answered, his eyes glittering, “ but I have certainly found a friend.”
That was three years ago, and that scared you. Because you knew that if you saw him again now, you might realize you had been silently in love with Qui-Gon Jinn for the past three years of your life. He had been there for every major event; your graduation, your promotion, and now, your move to Coruscant. He had been a constant companion in every way but one: you had not actually seen him or spoken to him since he left your moon. Some days you missed him terribly, to the point where you resented that he hadn’t contacted you for this long. But the rational part of your brain knew that you had only known him for a week and a half, and the fact that you were still hung up on it was kind of pathetic. 
“Mistress, are you alright? Would you like me to turn all the lights off?” Essie asked, shuffling over to where you were sitting. “I could get a service droid in here with some tea, I would get it myself, but since my last attempt to carry hot beverages ended in quite the mess, I-”
You exhaled through your nose in amusement, remembering the incident, and shook your head. “No, I’m fine. Just tired from the trip and the welcoming committee.”
“Oh yes, Senator Banzon certainly is very talkative, I can imagine it might be hard to work with him, but-” She stopped talking when she saw you close your eyes once more.
“I’ll leave you to rest, mistress.”
That night, you got a call from the woman who had made this whole thing possible.
"Prime Minister," you said, putting down a cup of Rodian Spiced Wine you had been nursing, "Thank you for calling." You had always thought she was striking, with her dark complexion and her short bob, the tips of which rested just below her ears. Black bangs covered her forehead and eyebrows, and her eyes were darkened with kohl. No one who met her could doubt her class and style, and it was quite possibly one of the big factors that had aided in her election, next to her eloquent speech.
"My dear, just call me Zo’el in private.” She took a drag from a cigarette that was attached to a long, thin holder. “You look tired. Are you at your apartment yet?” 
“Yes. I got your flowers, thank you so much.” It was actually only after the impromptu nap on your couch that you had bothered to look around the place. The bouquet she had sent you was as elegant as her - blue and white roses were enveloped by leaves of bright green. The colors of Nandeel. Blue for the ocean, white for the sand - and green, the color of Nandeel’s famous dune thistle that was made into teas and dyes. The parliamentary palace was painted in the same shade. Even Essie spotted the color on her chassis. A pang of homesickness shot through your chest. Was it the right thing to do, to come here? 
“Of course, dear. I know it’s hard to adjust to a new place,” she said, expressing aloud what you were thinking, “but you are going to make me so proud, I just know it.”
Just as you were about to express your gratitude, she turned to someone behind her. “Yes, I will be right there. I told you not to start without me! I’m sorry, dear,” she said, turning back to you, “it’s this blasted new housing bill. I’m afraid I must go. Good luck out there! Oh, and I’ve sent you the map data of that darling boutique you simply must visit. Can’t have you representing our moon in anything less than perfect attire! Ta!”
The holo disconnected, and you felt a little like a child sent off to boarding school for the first time. A bit more wine probably wouldn’t hurt.
It had been two days since your arrival on Coruscant, and you couldn’t remember why you thought this might be fun. You had gotten lost somewhere in Galactic City while looking for that boutique. None of the sign-droids you had asked seemed to have any idea what you were saying, making you wonder if your accent was stronger than you realized. The locals either kept walking as you approached them, or shrugged at your question. You bit the inside of your cheek. What were you expecting, coming to a city-world of billions when you had lived your life in a town with less than three hundred thousand? 
When your feet started to hurt and you were ready to send the last unhelpful sign-droid flying into a wall, you decided to just buy something at the first clothing store you ran into. You had hoped for something white and blue, but the only white suits they had were all too small on you. In the end, you settled on a light-gray and green two-piece, and made a mental note to, for the love of all that’s pure and good, order something on the holonet next time. 
It had been two weeks since your arrival on Coruscant, and you realized this job was going to be much, much harder than you anticipated. As the senator for a small and mostly insignificant moon (truly, you would bet credits on it that the average Republic citizen could not find it on a map - you had even met droids who couldn’t), the broadly accepted way to treat you seemed to be simply to ignore you or talk over you. 
“I just mean that, when it comes to planets and moons in the Expansion Region, I think-” you tried, but halfway through your sentence the booming voice of Senator Banzon tackled your half-formed argument to the floor. “Planets in the Expansion Region have been ignored for too long!” Yeah, and don’t forget about the moons you’re ignoring right now, you bastard. “We must simply convince the corporations we are still worth investing in!”
“I agree, but we can’t just let foreign businesses have free reign on our territories.”
“Bah!” Banzon exclaimed, throwing his hands up in the air. “That’s not what I’m suggesting! But Czerka can really help us advance our financial position within the Republic!”  Czerka can bleed us dry within years. Or screw the workers over while the officials pocket all the profit. 
Unfortunately for you, Senator Banzon, infuriating and credit-hungry as he was, was undoubtedly your most important ally in the Senate. He was the representative of the only other habitable planet in your star cluster, and historically an important trading partner of Nandeel. As Zo’el always put it: “Weld Banzon is a moron, but he’s the only moron we’ve got.” When you had met him years ago on Nandeel, you hadn't minded him so much. He had looked quite handsome with his large frame and dark, slicked back hair, and he wasn't a bad conversationalist either. But maybe the capital and the Senate had brought out the greed that had probably always been there.
The rest of your friendly discussion with the senator did not go any more smoothly. You wondered if someone had dropped him on the head when he was a baby, or if everyone from his planet was this dense. No, that was mean. You had known Hermetians with sharp wit and a sense of humor. Just not this one. 
“Excuse me,” you said, standing up from your chair. “I need some air.”
You were spoiled. You could see it now. No matter how rich or influential the people on the highest level of Coruscant were, they still lived on a planet where breathing felt like heavy labor. People came to Nandeel for the air quality - the salty breeze of the ocean was pure and clean, warm but not too hot at midday, cool but not too cold at night. You thought your lungs must be shrinking from how hard it was to breathe here. You’ll adjust. Other people have. 
It was busy outside the Senate Building. There seemed to be a class of school children on a trip with their teachers. Little humans, Ithorians, Rodians, and Mirialans ran around the square, shouting the answers to (what you assumed was) a quiz on their holopads. You watched as a green Rodian child clamped onto the leg of her teacher. You knew a little bit about what it was like to be overwhelmed. The only way you could sleep at night was with the blinds all the way down while listening to a recording of some ocean you found on the holonet. Back home, you had on occasion slept on the beach under the stars. Om was bright in the night sky, but it was a different brightness than Coruscant. On the beach, you felt safe, protected, watched over. Here every strange noise startled you and there was too much light pollution to see the stars.
In the same direction as the child and her teacher, you spotted two men in Jedi robes leaning over the railing, talking while looking out at the city. Your heart stopped when you saw the long hair on one of them. Just when you tried to convince yourself it could be anyone, he turned his head in conversation, and you saw the outline of his nose. There couldn’t have been more than twenty meters between you and Qui-Gon Jinn.
There was no more space in your lungs for air. You should have been prepared, but you weren’t. There were many things you wanted to say to him, but at the same time you wanted to say nothing at all. He might not even remember you. He might have not even liked you, and you could have mistaken his politeness for friendship. He had existed in your mind for so long, what if you had turned him into a different person, something he was not? 
With your heart in your throat and your chest full of smog, you went back inside.
"You’re Zo'el Xanteris' little protégé, right? Here." A tall Togrutan woman walked up to you, and she handed you one of the two drinks in her hand, a large but shallow glass filled with a pink liquid, its rim decorated with sugar. You took it to be polite and because she had caught you a little off guard. No one had approached you at this party yet, and the only people you knew were Banzon and the butler-droid that had offered you some kind of mystery canapé that you had immediately eaten three of because they had no business being that good. The droid had beeped with satisfaction. 
It was dumb to leave Essie at home. She at least wasn't nervous about approaching people and she never ran out of things to talk to. But one of her processors was fried and wouldn't be fixed until the morning, so she was a bit… unpredictable right now. You had found her talking to a lamp she thought was you.
“Oh, thank you - yes,” you answered a bit sheepishly. It felt a little embarrassing to be known as ‘someone’s little protégé’, like you weren’t actually a fully-fledged senator in your own right. Besides, you had no idea who she was or how she knew you.
“I’m Yena.” She shook your hand while you replied with your own name. “I used to be the senator of Kiros, but I stuck around as one of the Supreme Chancellor’s advisors. Zo’el and I worked together when we both lived on Shili.” Winking, she added, “She told me to keep an eye on you.”
“Oh, that’s nice,” you managed with a polite chuckle, but blood was rushing to your face at the thought of this complete stranger knowing how green you were. Had Zo’el told her you needed help? Did you seem that incompetent to her?
“Hey, don’t worry. I’ve heard only good things about you. That speech you wrote, about protecting your oceans from the megacorps? You know your way around words. Give yourself some time to adjust, and you’ll outshine Banzon on the senate floor.” She brought her drink to her lips, her mouth curling in a mischievous smile. “Not the biggest challenge, I must add.”
Okay, I think I like her. You gave her a knowing look and smiled back. 
“So how have your first few weeks here on Coruscant been?”
You sighed. “To be honest, with ups and downs. It’s all very exciting, but also very exhausting.” Laughing, you took a sip from your drink. Stars, this is delicious. You had to remember to ask what this was called. “I’ve tried exploring the city, but I kept getting lost, so I kind of gave up.”
Yena’s brow furrowed. “They didn’t give you that holoprogram? With the city guides?”
Oh no. “What guides?”
She pulled out her personal datapad and started looking for something. “I should still have them, they give them to all the senators, it has a map you can program to specific destinations. It constantly gets updated with new places, or off-limits areas. It was a lifesaver when I first arrived. Here, I can link up with you and send it over.”
A wave of relief washed over you when you saw the guide and you thanked her profusely. 
“I’m shocked you were overlooked. I will personally look into how this happened.”
“Oh, it’s okay,” you shrugged, “it probably happens all the time.”
“Well, it shouldn’t. Just because you represent a smaller place, doesn’t mean you should be treated with any less respect. Trust me, I come from a small planet too.”
The two of you talked a little longer. It turns out you were both advocates for the preservation of wildlife in your respective homes, hadn’t seen a big city until well into adulthood, and (also very importantly) liked the same holodramas. It felt good to be friendly with someone other than your protocol droid, and this awful party suddenly didn’t seem so terrifying anymore. 
“Oh,” Yena said suddenly, pointing at something behind you with her drink. Instinctively, you turned to see what she was looking at, but at first glance you didn’t see anything. “Looks like some of the Jedi are here.”
Apart from a few seasoned politicians, who you assumed had dealt with the Jedi a hundred times over already and were not impressed anymore, almost everyone turned to look at the arriving guests. A handful of Jedi walked into the room; you recognized Master Windu, who was on the Jedi Council, and a Nautolan you think you had seen before, but the crowd between you in the door was too dense to make out any other faces. Your heart raced with longing to see him , while your mind screamed at you to excuse yourself and slip out the back door. Except this room had no back door, and you couldn’t seem to move.
“Oh wow, so many Masters,” Yena said, her voice low. “It’s not often they attend events like this in groups. Even Qui-Gon Jinn is here, and he doesn’t usually go where the Council goes.”
Even Qui-Gon Jinn is here. 
Even Qui-Gon Jinn is here.
A few people up ahead moved, and it was like one of you had willed the crowd to part, because only moments later you locked eyes with him for the first time in three years. You barely even noticed the sound of your glass shattering on the floor.
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fearmakess · 4 months
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samantha-rae-velcher · 8 months
Master List Pt. 2
Streamers Dream - smut
Games of the many - smut
Joysticks and pushing buttons - smut
Sticks and stones - smut
That one look - smut
The punishment unforgotten - Violence/smut
A need for it and her - smut
The stress is real - fluff
"Im sorry, honey" - fluff
Roomies or More? (Egos) - smut
Yancy NSFW alphabet - smut
Love mistaken for hate (Wilford Warfstache) - fluff
Don't fear the reaper (Darkiplier) - smut
Dark lust (Darkiplier) - smut
Static (Darkiplier) - smut
Warp core breech Pt.1 (ISWM) - fluff
Warp core breech Pt.2 (ISWM) - fluff
Seeing Stars (ISWM) - fluff
Blue tint and cold tiles - smut
Me and the Devil walking side by side (Daredevil) - fluff
Sorcerer Supreme (Doctor Strange) - smut
More like Einstein (Tony Stark) - smut
Two tons of iron (Tony Stark) - smut
Green-ish (Bruce Banner) - smut
Tender Touch (Scott Lang) - smut
The speed of light (Pietro Maximoff) - fluff
Courts of Green Pt.1 (Bucky Barnes) - fluff
Courts of Green Pt.2 (Bucky Barnes) - fluff
Courts of Green Pt.3 (Bucky Barnes) - Violence/ fluff
Feathers and Swords (Clint Barton) - smut
Hawks gold (Clint Barton) - fluff
As beautiful as an angel (Yondu Udonta) - fluff
Fear makes love (Ronan the accuser) - smut
Sharp as steel (Wolverine) - smut
Blades that steel the heart (Wolverine) - fluff
Obviously not that obvious (Drax the Destroyer) - smut
Tattoo Buddies (Chato Santana) - fluff
Soldier Boy (Rick Flag) - smut
Slice and dice (Captain boomerang) - smut
Scars and stripes (BOP Victor Zsasz) - smut
Guns of blazing love (Aaron) - smut
Maybe evil Maybe not But just about (Shane) - smut
Barbed Wire Pt.1 (Negan) - smut
Barbed Wire Pt.2 (Negan) - Smut
Barbed Wire Pt.3 (Negan) - Violence/fluff
Barbed Wire Pt.4 (Negan) - Violence/fluff
Barbed Wire Pt.5 (Negan) - smut
Barbed Wire Pt.6 (Negan) - Violence/fluff
Barbed Wire Pt.7 (Negan) - Violence/fluff
Barbed Wire Pt.8 (Negan) - fluff
Star Wars
The light within (Qui Gon Jinn) - fluff
The force of two (Qui Gon Jinn) - fluff
The force binds all (Obi Wan Kenobi) - smut
The intimidating side of things (Boba Fett) - smut
Orders (Poe Dameron) - angst/ fluff
Black ink (Darth Maul) - smut
The Witcher
How The Witcher men react when you cry - fluff
Bard and Bells (Jaskier) - fluff
Gotham Villains teaching s/o to shoot a gun
Gotham Villains when s/o doesn't answer the phone
How Gotham Villains react to their s/o getting shot
Sexting with Oswald Cobblepot - smut
Gotham's King and Queen (Oswald Cobblepot) - angst
I will kill you (Oswald Cobblepot) - fluff
Emperor Penguin (Oswald Cobblepot) - smut
Smoking Roses Pt.1 (Victor Zsasz) - smut
Smoking Roses Pt.2 (Victor Zsasz)- smut
Tainted Riddle (Ed Nygma) - fluff
What am I? (Ed Nygma) - fluff/Violence
Five-O (Jim Gordon) - smut
Stalked (Jeremiah Valeska) - Violence/fluff
Fantastic Beasts
Blue fire and silver smoke (Gellert Grindelwald) - fluff
Heaven without fear (Credence Barebone) - smut
Boardwalk Empire
Gentleman with a dark side (Arnold Rothstein) - smut
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thesassypadawan · 2 months
💙🤍Who Should It Be?🤍💙
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Hear me out on this one... I was thinking of doing little daddy fic for around Father's Day, but don't know who to write it for! So I figured I would ask, you lovelies, who you would want to see in it! A certain Space Wizard, a Dark Daddy, or a Hockey Loving DILF? Lemme know and thankies in advance for your input! ❤️
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Qui-Gon Jinn NSFW Alphabet
Smut below the cut!
Warning: F! reader, 18+
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A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex): Qui-Gon makes sure you have water on your bed side table and a towel to clean up. He usually offers to cuddle and plays with your hair until you fall asleep.
B = Body part (Their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s): His favorite part of himself is his hair. It took him a long time to achieve the length he has and considers it a sign of patience he learned in his Jedi training. He also loves when you wash and comb it for him.
His favorite part of you is your stomach or your hips. He loves the idea of holding onto you for dear life when you ride him or when he eats you out.
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum): Qui-Gon will only cum after he knows you have, such a gentleman. If he does accidently cum earlier into your sessions he is all for making it up to you however you deem fit. *wink wink*
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs): He likes it when you pull his hair. It excites him because of the switch in dominance and because it pulls his face up to look at yours.
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?): Qui-Gon is not overly experienced since he has dedicated most of his adult life to being a Jedi. However, he is a quick learner and wants to please you.
F = Favorite Position: cowgirl and missionary may be bland but he loves being able to look at you and watch your reactions to his movements.
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc.): In the moment he is quite serious, but every now and then the foreplay leads to a lamp being knocked over or accidently turning on his comm link. In those moments you can't help but laugh.
H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.): He always has his hair done, whether that be half up/half down, a bun, or sometimes if he lets you; braids. Below the belt he is groomed but not bare. He embraces the natural look bestowed upon him by mother nature.
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…): Qui-Gon is so romantic it hurts. He will fill the room with candles, soft music, wine; the works. He also loves foreplay so he takes his time with you.
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon): He prefers you of course, but when he is off on long missions he uses it as a distraction or a reminder of you.
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks): breeding, spanking, role playing
L = Location (Favorite places to do the do): Ever the traditionalist, he likes to do it on a bed or some soft surface so he doesn't hurt his pillow princess. However, on the rare occasion when you say your farewells on his ship, y'all used the cockpit so whenever he navigates on that mission, he could picture you right there with him.
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs): Anything that would overtly hurt you or threesomes. He doesn't want to share you.
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going): hair pulling, dirty talk, light saber foreplay
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc): Loves to give, loves to receive. He loves the taste of you after a long mission. His tongue methodically swipes between your folds to elicit the most beautiful moan he has ever heard.
Giving him head is an out of body experience. Only about half of his member can fit in you at once. He is so encouraging and loves the velvety movement of your tongue.
P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.): Romantic and slow mostly. There will be times when you want to be railed and he will indulge that fantasy but he much rather savor the moment.
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.): Not a big fan. He likes to spoil you and cherish the time you have together since he's sent off on missions frequently.
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.): The only risk you face is someone catching you both, since Jedis are not supposed to take a lover. You have become quite stealthy when you sneak out to meet in botanical gardens or behind a row of speeders.
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…): He can go all night. Not one orgasm right after the other, but he can easily feel himself getting hard again when he sees you reach over him for a glass of water, pull your hair back, or begin kissing his chest.
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?): Qui-Gon doesn't like the idea. He is a too proud in some ways and likes to know he is the only one (or only thing) getting you off.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease): Qui-Gon has great patience, but you, not so much. He'll tease you with kisses all over your face but not on your lips. Or he'll kiss down your neck to your breasts, stomach and hip but halt at your pussy. He wants to see you squirm and beg him before he obliges.
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make): He's not a screamer per se, but he is vocal. He loves to be close to you and groan in your ear, letting you know just how crazy you make him.
W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice): Qui-Gon loves dirty talk. Whether that is him telling you how good you make him feel or in saying things like, "do you want to kiss my cock, little star? Agggh, you can fit so much of me like the good little girl you are." He knows how wet it makes you and that only makes him do it more.
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants): He is a modest man but boy is he packing. Qui-Gon is 6'4'' and completely proportional if you catch my drift.  
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?): His sex drive is quite high but is patient. However, the first moment you two get to yourselves, he jumps your bones.
Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards): He doesn't instantly go to sleep but rather dozes off with you.
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dontyoufeelitangel · 2 months
Well thought out villains with incredible backstories being turned into children’s toys:
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They look so stupid I love it😭🫶
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Omg😭 what’s got maul so mad☹️☹️ he’s plotting something,,
His horns being little nubs will never not be funny
I started writing for Star Wars so feel free to leave requests😛
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quigonswife8 · 2 years
Saved: Qui-gon jinn x reader
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Warnings: torture, near death experience, sadness, swearing.
gif creds: @padawanlost
Absoloutely in love with Qui-Gon!! Been thinking about this idea for ageees and finally decided to write it. Not sure if this will do well but to those who read this, I hope ya'll enjoy.
Also sorry if I messed up somewhere
This is so long but I love it regardless :)
The darkness of the chamber messes with your senses. You can't place where you are, at all.
and your voice echoes through the room. No one replies, shit. with no way of escaping you're forced to wait force knows how long.
You'd been separated from Qui-Gon Jinn, your master. He'd told you go the other way to deal with some enemies. Things went south quick however and with everyone being busy no one noticed you get knocked out and taken.
Chain's restrict movement, all you can do is move your head. The lightsaber that was placed upon your hilt had been taken and with no way to use your powers, it's useless.
"Why me?"
Anyone else could have been taken, but it had to be you. Everyone is always after you but why? what makes you so special? What worries you is how your master is worried for you- you can sense him through the force. You would be the same if your padawan had gone missing.
"I can hear you..."
You'd recognise that seperatists voice anywhere. Though this is the first time you've ever come face to face. surprising, really.
"It's you..."
He comes into view. Oh how you want to...
"Padawan (l/n)."
Grievous laughs. He's excited to have finally captured you. He's been trying to capture you for a while. see what did I say about you being that special.
"Yeah..." you scoff. "...don't get too excited, i'll be out of here before you can do anything..." a lie, of course. You still have no idea when you'll escape or be rescued. Best you can do is wait this 'prison sentence' out for as long as you can.
It's now that you notice your lightsaber. It's hidden pretty well but you catch a glimpse of it which only fuels the anger you have. It's right there but you are unable to reach it...
"You don't think that.."
"Yes I do Grievous. This kidnapping was useless because I'll be gone soon...hmm, shall I say an hour or?"
Grievious simply laughs when you say that, which is followed by a cough. He continues to laugh..
"That's perfect..."
He has always wanted to torture you. Wanted to watch as you screamed- beg for mercy- and with this 'hour' you say you have, he'll be able to do so.
"...because I'll be able to torture you..."
He expects you to be scared. Everyone else he's tortured has been scared. You are not though, which kinda makes things a bit ‘boring’ for him.
You smirk, giving him a look of 'I can take it' and he can feel that you're not scared.
Grievous turns and leaves the room for a second. This gives you a chance to ready your self. You clear your mind, bringing yourself to become one with the force. Fear is not something you feel, but worry; all you worry about is being found dead. You would never want to find someone like that, or be found like that. It wouldn't be fair.
The door reopens not even a minute later. Grievous is holding something- a tool used for torture. He walks back over to you, one of his four arms gripping on the tool.
You stare at him waiting and Grievous laughs, again.
"You're really not that scared..."
Rolling your eyes you scoff at him.
"I told you already i'm- AH!"
The pain you feel is the most excruciating pain you have felt before. The electricity only seems to add that extra bit of pain.
"This is going to be fun..."
he barely gives you enough time to register the next jolt.
Minutes soon turn into hours and there seems to be no sign of help. You endure the pain but with every jolt you feel yourself slipping from reality. You are no longer one with the force, as hard as you try to be.
Grievous orders his new 'helper' to administer another jolt of pain. You drop your head, finding yourself focusing on a spot on the floor. You need to focus on something else- you need to get your mind off what's happening because if you don't, you'll break.
Another jolt of pain follows. Closing your eyes you shift focus from what's happening, and instead you focus on something else. Anything else, this is your last option...that's when something comes to mind. A memory, to be exact.
It's a beautiful day out. Rather than train, your master had said you would just be going on a relaxing walk through a garden. It will help to get your mind off stuff and meditate outside rather than inside. You have your hands clasped together behind your back, while Qui-Gon has his hands tucked into the sleeves of his robe.
You don't speak, you just think. No idea what Master Jinn is talking about but you're thinking about something- though you won't ask him what you're thinking, he may find it weird.
He doesn't look over at you, he keeps his focus ahead.
"...are you okay?"
Okay so he can tell something is up. Though you're not sure how..
"..what do you mean, master?"
"I can feel you through the force. Something is bothering you?"
that's how he knows
"Oh, uh, i'm sorry I wasn't aware..." bringing your hands around to your side, you unsclasp them.
"You don't have to apologise (y/n)..."
Qui-Gon looks over at you this time.
"...what's on your mind?"
Embarrased you scratch the back of your neck, now looking at him.
"...Master...I want to ask a question, but I'm afraid it's...stupid..."
You're caught off guard when he places a hand on your shoulder, which makes you stop.
"I assure you, your question won't be stupid."
It's nice to know how much he cares. Rather than be a master who holds no care for their padawan.
You nod, smiling up at your master. Then you ask;
"What if I were ever in a situation where I was in a lot of pain, like if I was badly hurt or being tortured, how would I distract myself?”
Qui-gon smiles at your question. You’re very smart, something he’s always admired about you.
“Firstly your question isn’t stupid. It’s quite smart, and to answer your question..”
he makes a motion so you start walking again.
“Focus on a happy memory, any happy memory. When you’re able to focus on the memory you’ll be able to distract yourself enough.”
Makes sense
“…thank you for asking, padawan.”
You fall into an even walking pattern as your master.
“Thank you for answering.”
He can’t help but smile. Bringing his hands back into his sleeves he replies with "you're welcome my padawan" before falling back into a comfortable silence.
That's what you focus on. You focus on that memory- one of your happiest memories. The torture drowns out until all you are focused on is that memory.
It's all blurry when Qui-Gon and his other padawan, obi-wan, arrive. You don't fully realise what's happening; you've focused back in one your surroundings but because of the torture you can't fully focus.
it's hard to place who's speaking. Though you can tell it's not Grievous or any of his men.
You attempt to raise your head but you're so weak it ends up dropping again.
There's the sound of running and then the feel of someone messing around with the restraints around your wrists and ankles.
"It's okay, i'm- we're here, now...."
Lifting your head again you're able to see a glimpse of your master.
"It's me. I'm going to get you out of here..."
A smile forms on your lips.
"I knew you w-would come for me..."
When you're set free of the restraints you fall into Qui-gon's arms. He wraps his arms around you so he’s carrying you. You lean your head against his chest, quiet groans falling from your lips.
"It's okay...it's okay.."
Looking at Obi-Wan, he immediately leaves this torture chamber. His eyes don't leave you, however, and he has to hold back from tearing up. He blames himself for this happening. If he hadn't told you to go the other way then you wouldn't have been seperated and he would have been able to keep you safe.
Sometime through the escape you end up falling unconcious.
It's days before you wake up. Both Qui-Gon + Obi-Wan are there for you, most. It's Qui-Gon, though, who stays by your side the most. The council, surprisingly, lets him off training Obi-Wan and Obi-Wan doesn't complain. He worries about you mostly.
When you wake you see Qui-Gon asleep. Though he wakes when he senses you're awake.
It hurts when you move, so you stay laying down. Quig sighs in relief;
He doesn't call you 'padawan', he only wants to call you by your name at the moment.
"...how long was I out for?"
"Too...too long."
Qui-Gon could still feel you through the force which was relieving to know you were still hanging on. He'd wished you had woken up sooner, though.
"...(y/n)..." Qui-Gon begins, one of his hands moving to rest on the bed. He hesitates with his next words not wanting to bring back those memories but he has to say something.
He feels responsible for what happened to you. You're his padawan, his actions are what caused you to get caught in the first place. The moment you had disappeared, he'd sensed it..
swinging his lightsaber to the side Qui-Gon cuts down one of the enemies. No sign of you, however. You were close by when you'd last spoken...
Qui-Gon turns on his heel and scouts out the area. He can't find you though but he can feel you through the force...and something is wrong.
Out of breath Obi-Wan runs over to Qui-Gon. He had been with with you, last, but you're not there with him.
"Obi-wan. Are you okay?"
"Yes, but I'm not sure where (y/n) is. I...we got separated, master."
Obi-wan feels guilt for losing you, he hopes that nothing bad has happened to you.
"Are you okay?”
“Yes, but I’m more worried about (y/n).”
“I’m glad you’re okay, obi-wan.” Obi-wan nods
“Thank you.”
“And thank you for coming to me."
Obi-wan once again nods, thanking Qui again.
Qui-Gon then makes a motion for Obi-Wan to follow him so the two leave to continue the search for you.
"I''m sorry, for what happened..."
"Mast-Qui-gon it's...it's okay."
Recounting the event is hard because you can barely remember the torture. It's like your mind has fragmented the memories, you can only remember bits and pieces. Maybe it's a coping mechanism your brain has switched on to help you cope from such a tramatic experience.
"I can't...it's hard to remember what happened. All I really remember is the start of the torture...but that's it..."
If it hadn't been for what Qui-gon had told you, however, you would have given up. You'd been able to lock onto that memory because of what he’d told you
"...actually, I have to thank you, and not just for getting me out of there but also for being the reason I didn't break..."
Qui-gon tilts his head a moment.
"What do you mean?"
"Well..." you begin. "...that day when we were walking in the park, when I asked you what to do if I ever got into a situation like the one I got into, and you told me to think of a memory that makes me happy. Well that was the memory I chose."
A smile tugs at your lips.
"...so yeah you're the reason I didn't give up..."
You have admired Qui-gon for as long as he's been your master. He is the wisest yet kindest person you've ever had the chance of meeting; he may go against the council's orders a lot of the time [which you usually agree with him about] but it's usually for a good reason.
He just cares deeply for people, one of the things you like about him. You would be lying if you said you hadn't grown fond of him, more tha you would view him as just a friend.
That was one of his favourite memories too. He remembers being impressed with your question so much so that he thought about it long after. That day was perfect- no missions or having to deal with anything bad. To hear how it helped you, though, means a lot- it takes some of the guilt off, that's for sure.
"I'm...i'm happy about that, (y/n) but I should really be apologising.."
"Yes..." Running a hand through his hair Qui-Gon sighs. "I was the reason you got taken. i told you to go the other way...I should have kept you with me..."
He blames himself? he shouldn't. He simply told you to go and deal with a few of the enemies, he never knew your kidnapping + soon to follow torture would even happen. Without even meaning for it to happen you reach a hand out, putting it on top of one of his.
"...what happened wasn't your fault."
He shakes his head in disagreement.
"I'm your master. I'm supposed to protect you..."
"and i'm supposed to listen to what you tell me to do..." you reply. "...and you told me to go and deal with those people. I listened because i'm the padawan and you're the master, and a great one at that."
You never lie, Qui-Gon knows that, but the guilt still eats away at him. You can tell so you squeeze his hand softly..
"I know you don't believe me, and I can't convince you to, but just know that I know it's not your fault.."
You linger with your touch for a moment more, hand moving away soon. You lean your head back against the pillow, watching Qui-gon, who doesn't really have the words.
He just looks at you sympathetically before standing up; there's no point in dwelling in his guilt, so he decides to distract himself. He stands up from his chair to leave...
"I'll let Obi-Wan know you're awake.."
You know he'll be happy.
"Thank you, Qui..."
the jedi smiles softly, and nods.
"You're welcome..."
and then he walks off; before he leaves, however, he glances back over to you. You're looking away so you don't see him staring. A sigh falls from his lips, his eyes closing slightly. He wishes it was him that went through that torture, not you, because you didn't deserve it.
To see you like this breaks his heart more than he can even describe. Pushing the thoughts of his mind for the moment he pushes off the doorframe and leaves.
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agere-fics · 2 months
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🍄 you're a little during the phantom menace time period 🍄
caregiver!qui gon and big brother cg!obi wan headcanons (sfw agere)
• qui-gon is your main caregiver here
• he looks after you, keeps you safe, gives you healthy, appropriate rules to follow
• he shows you how to mediate and calm yourself when you're anxious
• he's not quite strict, just firm and protective.
• obi-wan is your big brother caregiver
• he likes to start up mischief with you, get you to say bad words, and pulling harmless pranks on qui-gon and the other padawans
• when the council calls in qui-gon for a talk, he knows for a fact that it's about something you and obi wan pulled.
• qui-gon likes that you help obi-wan remember that he's still young too. the jedi council always talk about being logical, grown, responsible, and to act like you're an all knowing ethereal being. qui-gon disagrees and knows how important it is to just be young.
• so even though your antics with obi wan can get a tad annoying, qui-gon really appreciates it
• your big brother obi wan likes to use the force to fly you around or tickle you. he'll also withhold snacks sometimes by flying it high up where you can't reach. he lets you have the snacks after a couple seconds however ajxhs he just likes messing around
• he also likes helping you through nightmares. often you'd find yourself in his bed needing a cuddle and he gives that to you while half awake
• you and obi wan often play games on the holo tech
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memoiich · 2 months
Obi wan Headcanons my lord? feed the poor
God, I have a lot of them .I'm going to split this up in a few parts just because it makes sense . Strap in !!!
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Part 0: baby obi wan
His parents noticed that he was a surprisingly bright child, and since they were farmers from stewjon, they weren’t well off. When they had their second child (a son) they brought obi wan to a near by testing unit on the neighbour planet Klommet , in hopes of giving both him and his brother a better chance at survival.
Obi wan was tested at the age 1 and a half. He was clearly gifted but nothing special.
He used to cry a lot when he first got to the jedi temple. Most jedi got rather annoyed at the younglings crying, except one ,qui gon jin .
Qui gon voluntured a lot at the creshe , he believed that crying children needed confort not a lecture. Obi wan got attached to qui gon rather quickly as a 2 year old ( qui gon looks a bit like his late dad)
As he grew up , he got along well with the other children and formed close friendships with them ( po ,kit ,quinlan) . Seeing this, qui gon went back to helping the new kids.
Part 1 : padawan years
Obi wan is rather talented at most things, not on a “ WOW YOU’RE THE BEST “ way but more like a “…that shouldn’t go so easily “ . He picks things up quickly, which causes him to be rather inpatient. Not impulsive, he doesn’t rush he simply hates waiting. That's why he hates meditating. He doesn’t understand it.
He doesn’t know it but when discussing who would get which apprentice , his name fell quite a few times . Obi wan likes to learn and so many suspect that he would be a nice well behaved padawan.
He was so happy when they informed him that qui gon would be his master . Qui gon had always stood out as the nicest jedi , not that the others weren’t but he had seemed to understand obi wan a bit more.
The first thing qui gon asked of him was to meditate. Obi wan started stressing immediately, and it went pretty bad in the beginning. Qui gon thought it was hilarious how quickly he was distracted. “ the wall paper does not need your attention right now “ he would quip or “ breathe through your nose and dont rush it” . It took obi Wan's a year to truly be able to meditate properly.
Luckily time wasn’t wasted because his fight skills and knowledge were unmatched.
Piloting took some getting used to. Not only was he scared of heights , but he also wasn’t a fan of rollercoasters. Qui gon always noted how slow he was . “ If you keep flying like this, we won't get there before im 60 “ or “ we can always walk , it might be faster” . But his master did help him, he would go to more desserted planets with obi wan . The planets that even if he would fly faster, he couldn’t hit anything . Obi wan got his red piloting bead 5 months later with the promise to let go a little.
He picks up quickly with missions , like i said he’s a natural . His first mission was a bit stressful but after that hes pretty much set . Also when they get back to their ship , qui gon cooks a home cooked meal because hes not going to let obi wan live on war rashens and blue milk.
He also teaches him how to cook
Obi wan starts feeling a bit quilty because he starts thinking of qui gon as his dad since well he is a little. But the jedi code says no attachments and he will follow that . Until he has a nervous breakdown because if qui gon is a jedi master that follows the jedi code he probably doesn’t care about him , he ends up getting in quite a lot of danger on a mission because of this . When he confesses to qui gon why he did all that he doesn’t respond,he just pulls his padawan into a hug . “ you are my kid obi wan “
When he turns 20 , he starts to really push qui gonn to let him take his trials. He just wants to be a jedi master.
That all changes a bit when he meets the dutches of mandelore Satine . He falls inlove quickly but he’s a real coward about it ( Satine notices) . Satine ends up pulling him into a kiss 2 months later at a gala she had to attend. They had a night together……
Qui gonn knows 100% . He finds it hilarious how his bumbling fool of a padawan got himsel into this mess . He prepares for the inevitable “ im leaving the order “ not that he wants him to . Obi wan is just that kinda kid .
When he sees obi wan the next morning, he looks like he cried acts rather somber and asks when they are leaving . Qui gon figures out what happened but doesn’t say anything. They leave and he gives him some space .
For the next 2 years it all goes smoothly until…
Part 2: early Anakin years
Obi wan isn’t too happy with the orphan. They are on a dangerous mission in the middle of who knows where with the queen of a planet that’s about to die . And now they have Ani , he wasn't going to lie it was a sweet child . But why now.
Obi wan has a quiet panic attack when qui gon says he will take anakin as his apprentice . He doesn’t feel ready to take the trials since his self esteem plummeted a bit after the Satine debacle and no one helped him take care of that ( fuck the jedi council) .
During the flight back to Naboo, padme went to her room and qui gon had a call with the council, leaving obi Wan to babysit ani . The child would yap non stop “ Did you make your own lightsaber?” “Yes” “can i hold it?” “No” “ when do i get mine?” “ When you're ready” “ but i am ready” “ no you’re not “ “yes i am “ “ no you’re not “ “ Did you choose THAT color?” “ Yes, i did” “ It's kinda ugly” “…” . A true test of patience but strangly lovable.
About 2 hours later was when the child fell asleep next to obi Wan . Anakin was still shivering , tattooine was a warm planet, something the ship heaters couldn’t compete with. Obi wan draped his long outer coat over the boy in hopes of giving him some warmth . Seeing the child peacefully asleep, Obi wan realised why his master liked him.
It took 48 hours to get to Naboo . It also took 48 hours for Obi wan to look at Anakin as his little brother.
When he first sees Maul he’s scared . He doesn’t want to be, but he simply is . Back in school him and his friends would joke about the sith and how cool it would be to defeat one . Right now , face to face with the first sith in ages , he’s horrified, and the red zebrak seems to kick on it
All he hears are the red force feels buzzing . He doesn’t hear his own scream or the blood dripping from his master . He feels an immense amount of pain, but the moment those shields lay down, he's up . He only focuses on gett to his master in time .And when he’s hanging in the hole , he snaps back into his jedi mind. The sith shows a new hubris, and he sees his chance. He wins
When qui gonn tells him his final wish , he can only lie to him . He doesn’t feel fit to be a master ,he might be the only jedi who pased the old trials ( to kill a sith ), but he feels like a fraud to weak to safe his master. Qui gon passes in his arms and obi wans let the tears fall.
He sees Anakin after he returns from his “trip” and he almost wants to cry again . Anakin looks so confused “ where’s qui gon ?” “ he passed away , anakin” The tears start to well in the little boys eyes, and all that obi can do is pull him into a hug .
The next weeks are quite hard , anakin becomes his padawan, and he becomes a jedi master. They attend qui gons' funeral, and anakins enters the academy since he needs to do both his padawan ship and the basic training. He is a bit pissy about it , but obi Wan cheers him up with home cooked meals .
They are not allowed to go on mission yet together just obi wan alone, and its extremely hard breaking to leave anakin alone .
When they are home together, obi wan pampers the little guy rotten. He brushes and braids anakins hair he buys him miniatuur planes in hopes of getting a better piolet than he is . He helps him with his homework, and he is just a total single dad .
When about a year has passed obi wan realised that he didn't know his birthday so he asked ani and he didn’t know either . They chose marche 5th because its a week from then and obi Wan can plan his birthday.Ani loved it.
Anakin doesn't make a lot of friends in school or anywhere. Which bothers obi Wan greatly , he thinks anakin is a great kid who can do no wrong. It all escalated when a child calls Anakin a slave ( obi wan does not know how they got here )
Obi wan threatens to destroy him to the boys face . He ends up crying, and Anakin isn’t bothered ever again. ( the jedi council was not happy )
And so it pretty much continues for a few years
Part 3: late anakin years
Anakin is now 20 years old, which is double the age he was when obi Wan met him .
Many people think that obi Wan is past his prime, but this man is absolutely ribbed. He has perfect physique, he’s just covered in robes and coats and stuff
He keeps extra kyber crystals around because Anakin keeps losing/breaking his lightsaber
Anakin requested black robes, and the council wouldn’t let him because of the association with the sith, and obi wan was like “ No , let my padawan express himself . Plus, I killed the last sith years ago “ so they let him because nothing is scarier than getting on obi wans' bad side
When they meet padmé again, obi Wan is almost laughing at how bad anakin is hiding his feelings for her . He also realises that he will have to talk to his padawn about it .
Obi wan gets a little stricter over the last year since anakin definitely doesn't think before he does anything
When the council decided to let Anakin go with Padme , he couldn't help but warn anakin once again. He reminds him of the problems that might occur or the heartbreak ( he's definitely not projecting)
When shmi dies, he tries his best to support anakin best he can . He doesn’t remember his parents, but he assumes it's like losing Qui gon, so he does everything he needed back then . Home cooked meals ,hugs ,pep talks, pulling him out of mission….
He noticed from the moment they set foot into the arena that they were together. On the one hand, he was extremely nervous about it, and on the other, he was a bit proud of his boy.
ALSO, he gets that shiver down his spine because he realises that qui gon knew about him and Satine, and he's a bit embarrassed about it .
He doesn't tell it to anakin because just like his master he thinks that it might be better to give them space .
He gets really offended that he wasn't invited to the wedding. He knows it was supposed to be undercover, but please
Padme and anakin will sometimes invite him for dinner as if they aren't dating, and he truly enjoys those evenings together.
He likes padme immensely . She helps to calm anakin down, and she's all around a great person .
She's also the first out of her and anakin to realise that obi Wan knows . Sadly, this happens after the wedding, so now it's like a shared secret.
Now that anakin left the nest , he gets to enjoy hobbies. He starts experimenting with cooking until Kit , Quinlan and Po are so done with it that they start ordering out . Then he gets a pet a feathered veractyle he names boga , when the planet he’s visiting allows it she will be his transport . He also keeps a variety of plants ( they remind him of qui gon) and books .he collects golden trinkets. Anakin jokes that it all goes against the jedi code, but he likes it .
HE ALSO LOVES TO GOSSIP with his clones anakin padme kit po anyone that wants to listen.
Talking about his clones , he loves them dearly not as much as anakin but like coby is one of his closest friends.
212 has tried to give him nicknames before, but it never sticks , they do like saying the negotiator in funny voices .
Obi wan thinks that his clones are the best clones, but it seems that every jedi thinks that.
He is now a jedi council member, and he still has that off feeling that he doesn’t deserve it . His ideas dont link with the others, and he feels that he doesn't have a lot of influence on it . Qui gon was never part of it, and he understands why more and more. He loves being a jedi master but kinda hates the council.
That also makes it really hard for him to help Anakin with his dissatisfaction with his position rn . Being on the council but not a master feels like the worst-case scenario, but he has to help anakin not be pissy, so he does . It is a great honor to be on the council.
He didn't know about padmé being pregnant. So he just thought anakin was so stressed out about his career and the jedi order . After everything happened as it did , he felt that he didn’t support anakin correctly.
Obi wan objected when they wanted anakin to spy on Palpetine . He doesn’t want his boy near any danger and definitely not in the front line . He yells and fights for it until it goes to a vote, just as his seat on the council, obi Wan would leave the council immediately if it meant that Anakin was 100% safe . In the end , the vote goes for the spying and obi wans demands to tell anakin himself. It doesn’t go well, obi Wan feels like he's betraying his brother.
In the coming weeks, he will see the loveable orphan of tatooine change to a traumatized war veteran, and he's not happy about it. He tries to calm him down and speak to him just like he did when shmi died . Sadly, this time, it doesn’t seem to work.
When his clones betray him , he feels fear for the first time since the deul of the faiths . Not only is he in danger, but they are in danger , anakin might be in danger . He feels his life falling from betw his fingers . Boga and some of his dear clones die when he gets back to his ship . He calls to anakin, but he doesn’t pick up . He flies to the temple.
When yoda and him visit the temple, dread fills his mind. He still didn’t receive anything from anakin and was really worried about it . They see the temple lithered with death children, and all he sees are small Anakin's death on the floor . Then they see the footage of the night before, and the world falls beneath him . Anakin is a murderer, a sith, and still his brother . Obi wan chooses to go alone to face him ….
{that one deleted scene }
The deul with anakin is the worst moment of his life. Nothing compares to it . He tries to enter with an open mind and the little voice in the back of his mind telling him to redeem anakin . Sadly hes to far gone. The deul ends with his dying friend near the fire , obi wans whole life in pieces and a almost death padme.
The birth of Luke and leia is a small piece of hope, but padmé passes away . Obi wan has no one anymore.
He's extremely happy with the organas asking to adopt leia, and he himself asks to adopt Luke, but that did not happen because of the circumstances. If the sith starts hunting jedi , Obi wan will be at the top of the list
In the end, he lives near Luke until he grows to be a jedi .
He tries to meditate, but his bond to the force is pretty much broken .
Part 4: obi wan alone
Since moving to Tatooine, he has got some new dreams . He gets flashbacks to his childhood before being a jedi, but the worst once are the anakin once . They all start the same , meeting ani quick flashes through their years together and then Mustafar .
He believes that he killed anakin and that he burnt to death .
He has mixed feelings towards his actions. On the one hand, he as a jedi had to kill him, but as his brother, he is simply broken.
He doesn’t think of himself as a jedi anymore. Over the years, he has come to question the jedi order . For how they treated anakin and ahsoka even padme . He promised to himself that he wouldn’t teach Luke to throw away his emotions.
When darth maul shows up on tattooin, he's in some strange way. Sorry for him . They were both just children raised for war , he wished partly that they could have got Maul out before Naboo or that he wouldn’t hold the anger he had towards him for the death of his father . He took a deep breath and let it go . In the end, Maul died in his arms , the same way he had hoped he would have pulled anakin up after their duel.
He tries to meditate again in hopes of connecting to qui gons' spirit or anakins . He hopes to apologise to anakin to pet his hair and tell him it's alright to get one last evening diner with padmé and Anakin . From qui gon, he just wants comfort a long hug or a smile that shows him he’s proud of his padawan, even a home cooked meal .
He starts working as a butcher for sand whales . In the beginning, he used to walk there, but then lars pointed out that that was really suspicious for the other people in town . So he went shopping for a transport that was nice and easy to maintain . That's how he ends up with his eopie Akkani .
Akkani is a bit of a lazy animal , she just wants to eat and walk and eat again. He's happy he has a pet, tho because he gets a bit lonely.
He keeps all of his jedi things in a chest in his gave , including his own lightsaber and 2 sets of beads . One set is his own padawan braid beads, and the other are anakins . He also has some other stuff such as qui gon' s old kitchen knife and some pictures of his clones scrabs of r2d2 when he needed repairs a feather of boga some model airplanes anakin used to play with and so on. ( NO BURYING IN THE DESSERT I HATE THAT)
He really wants to train Luke, but Lars won’t let him . Which hurts obi Wan a lot . He wouldn’t push Luke to be a soldier like the once before , he would connect him to the force just like qui gon wanted with Anakin .
That's why he started reading up on the ancient scripts about the jedi . He loves the Yawa sellers just because he can buy his books without the empire noticing.
He will wait forever in hopes of setting the universe back to balance for the mistake he made on Mustafar.
This took so long and its not even all of it .( i left out the kenobi series because i didn’t want to rewrite it and i couldn’t figure out how to add to it without rewriting it srry)
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Also i wrote a little obi wan reacting to ahsoka being Anakins padawn not that long ago ( link below )
And i left his later relationship with satine and maul out because it might be a bit long . If you want that you can always ask in my requests ( i do have some thoughts about those)
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The One Where Ethan Rayne Returns
Part 4
AN: This four-part fic will contain spoilers for Seasons 1-6 of Buffy as well as canon typical behaviours, fighting, and references to violence.
“We should be safe here,” you explained to Tara once you had closed and locked the door that separated the store from the back room.  “It’s the most fortified part of the shop.”
Tara managed a tiny smile.
“And plus,” you continued speaking, hoping to cheer her up.  You moved the training dummy to the side and pried open one of the panels in the wall “if you know where to look, there are all kinds of snacks hidden in here.”
Distracted, Tara pushed herself off the couch and made her way over to you.  You stepped aside and Tara let out a small gasp at the variety of snack foods that were now visible.
“Does Mr. Giles know about this?” She asked.
You chuckled, “It was his idea.  Don’t let his stern exterior fool you; the man has a major sweet tooth.  Xander knew that and that’s why he built the cupboards in.  Plus, what good is a fortified room if there are no supplies in it?”
“That makes sense.  Could I have some of the Salt and Vinegar Pringles please?”
“Of course,” you reached into the cabinet and pulled out two Pringles canisters.  You handed the Salt and Vinegar ones to Tara and you kept the other flavour for yourself.
As you closed the cupboard, Tara sat down cross legged on the floor and opened the Pringles. 
“What did Buffy mean by the Band Candy incident?”
You sat down opposite her and opened your own Pringles container after tapping it against hers causing her to smile again, “A couple of years ago when Sunnydale High was a functioning high school and not an abandoned relic, a rather large shipment of chocolate was delivered to the school and the students needed to sell them to generate money for new marching band uniforms.”
“Now I get where the name came from.”
You nodded, “The candy was manufactured in such a way that it caused the adults who consumed it to act like they did when they were teenagers.  While that was entertaining to begin with, we quickly discovered that it was a diversion.  Demons used the chaos to kidnap babies from the hospital and offer them as tribute to a powerful demon.”
Tara gasped in shock.  She was holding a Pringle in her hand but her hand had frozen midway to her mouth.
Sensing her distress, you hurried to continue, “None of the babies were hurt.  Rupert and Joyce were able to return the babies safely to the hospital while Buffy dealt with the demons.”
Relieved, Tara let out a long breath.  Then she looked at you quizzically, “Did you eat the candy?”
“I was going to but I had been busy that day and I left it in the Staff Room.  When I had a free moment, I went to grab it but someone had stolen it.  My guess is it was Snyder.  The things that man came out with under the influence of the candy were hilarious and I wish that I’d been able to record what he said and how he acted.”
Tara fished in her container for her next Pringle, “Is it okay if I ask a few more questions?”
“Go ahead,” you replied as you reached into your own canister.
“When did Qui-Gon arrive in Sunnydale?”
“The same time that Wesley did.  There was quite a big disagreement between Buffy, Rupert, and the Watchers Council some time after the Band Candy incident.  As a result, Rupert was fired from being Buffy’s Watcher and in an attempt to control the situation and Buffy, the Council sent Wesley as a replacement.”
“I’m guessing that didn’t go over well?”
“Not in the slightest,” you informed her.  “Buffy was quite reluctant to work with Wesley.  She took the backhanded and snide comments that he made to Rupert personally.  She also didn’t like the way he handled her training and the comments he made about her methods.”
“How does she feel about Qui-Gon?”
You sighed heavily, “It took her a while to even get used to his presence.  I think she’s still not sure about him.  It probably doesn’t help that she’s seen the two men argue and since she sees Rupert as a teacher slash father figure…”
“She’s more inclined to take his side over Qui-Gon’s.”
The two of you sat in silence.
“Can you feel that?” Tara asked a few moments later as she shivered.
It didn’t take long for you to realise that Tara wasn’t talking about the temperature in the room and that she must be talking about something magical.  Focusing just your godfather had taught you, you tried to identify what Tara was talking about.  You could feel an unexpected increase in the dark magical power in Sunnydale.  It was almost as if its host had lost the ability to wield their magic.
Your instincts screamed at you that you were in danger and panic welled up inside you as you broke your focus.
“Tara!” You shouted.
Her eyes were glassy as she examined you and you realised that she was connected to her magic.  If she stayed connected to it, there was a very high chance that she would either lose her magic or be infected with the dark magic.  You tried to think of something, anything that would make her refocus on you and break her connection to her magic.  Your mind was empty and then you remembered the game that Buffy, Xander and Willow played while they were at Sunnydale High.
“I need you to tell me your favourite holiday destination and what you would do while you’re there!”
“Right now?”  Tara’s voice had a dreamy, almost hypnotic quality to it.
“Yes, now!  Would you go snorkelling in the Caribbean or would you be more interested in climbing Mount Everest?”
“I don’t like that type of cold or adventure,” Tara’s voice was slowly losing its dreamy quality.  “I want to visit many places starting with France.”
“Good.  That’s good.”  You praised, “Tell me more.”
“I want to learn the history of countries and I want to visit heritage listed sites.”  Tara’s voice was back to normal when she finished speaking.
Then she doubled over, coughing and wheezing.  Moments later, the coughing fit subsided and she straightened up again.
“That magic was so powerful and seductive.”
You nodded, “I’m willing to bet that it was Ethan’s magic and I don’t think he can access it anymore.”
That night as you laid in bed sated with one of your legs intertwined with Rupert’s and the warmth and weight of Qui-Gon’s body pressing into you from behind, you replayed Rupert’s explanation of how they defeated Ethan after freeing Willow from her binds and released Ethan’s magic while Qui-Gon ensured that Ethan would have no knowledge nor memory of casting magic.
Your eyelids closed and you drifted into slumber.
Only to bolt upright hours later after having a dream of Ethan smirking at you and saying, “I did come to warn you.”   Your breathing and heart rate accelerated when you noticed that Rupert was missing from the side of his bed that he had occupied the night before.
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